
En Mi Mente (On My Mind)

with Dr. Abel A. Chávez

The world is moving at warp speed, from information, technology, travel, understanding, capital…but I sincerely ask myself whether education keeping pace? En Mi Mente is my public site meant to share what is on my mind (or ‘en mi mente’ in Spanish) about all things education.

Photo: downtown Medellín Colombia. ALIMENTA TU MENTE = NOURISH YOUR MIND. Do we nourish our minds as often as we should?

Dr. Abel A. Chávez sharing ideas with the world

Welcome to my blog, En Mi Mente (or, On My Mind in English). You might be asking why such a title for a blog that has been described as a blog about all things education? Well, I had quite a bit on my mind when I came up with the title for this blog. 

I write and publish this with one purpose and one purpose only – to share my ideas about education, and all the complexity and cross-cuttingness that is education. I look forward to hearing from you. I look forward to learning about you. I look forward to debating with you. And most importantly, I look forward to learning from you. If you’re interested in the cross-cutting and big topics swirling through my mind please subscribe.

I’ll weave my story in forthcoming posts. For now know that education is a deep passion of mine. It’s probably such a deep passion because from an early age I was told (never by my parents!) that I had no business dreaming about becoming an engineer, that “people like us had no business with those dreams”. My parents were immigrants from Mexico. Many years later, after a few peer-reviewed pieces of literature, global travels, and tough but loving mentors, I am a doctorate holding senior higher-education administrator.

Oh, right, what was en mi mente at the time…a lot…including but certainly not limited to: 70% of all undergraduates enrolled in postsecondary education have an expected family contribution (EFC) of $8,000 or below; and that moments like the one we’re living today reveals the realities of the educational disparities between the haves and the have-nots across our public education; and that while smartphone access across adults, regardless of race, is about the same, minorities lag whites in terms of desktop/laptop computer access and home broadband; and that it feels to me as though educational institutions stubbornly maintain a mcdonaldization approach to teaching that was great for the industrial revolution; and that our institutions could benefit from far great cooperation rather than a territorial hoarding approach; and that how beautiful it would be if we afforded our entire society with the gifts of education so that we each can nourish our minds!

I am truly humbled you have allowed me a couple of minutes of your time.

Thank you,

Dr. Abel A. Chávez

What’s been on my mind

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